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310Total Time
235Prep Time
35Bake Time
A little effort

Prosciutto & Sun-Dried Tomato Plait

1 Reviews

  • Egg-Free Recipes
  • Nut Free

About the bake

Our Italian inspired Prosciutto & Sun-Dried Tomato Plait is the perfect savoury way to bring a taste of Italy to your kitchen, to share with family.

With sun-dried tomatoes and prosciutto this bread is perfect to share with a glass of wine, or a selection of cheese. By plaiting the bread, flavours intertwine through the bread, giving you the most rewarding taste for a simple bread bake.

How do you plait bread?

Lay the strands out on the lightly floured surface like an octopus, fanned out from a central point at the top. Stick all the ends at the central point to the table with your thumb.

Find the perfect braiding sequence for your bread, for this recipe it's 3 strips. Number the strands of dough from 1-3 from left to right. Plait each strand together in order, 1,2,3 and repeat until all the dough is braided.

If the taste of Italy is your thing, make sure you give our Herb Focaccia a try. Using fresh rosemary and sage, Italian bakes are sure fill your home with a yummy aroma, and taste even better.

310Total Time
235Prep Time
35Bake Time
A little effort


  1. Step 1:


    Mix the flours, yeast and salt in a big bowl. Mix together the melted butter, sugar and water, then mix in with a cutlery knife.

  2. Step 2:

    KNEAD Tip onto a lightly flour dusted surface and knead for 10 minutes (or use the dough hook attachment on your mixer). 

  3. Step 3:


    Lightly grease the mixing bowl with some oil. Put the dough back in, cover the bowl with a clean tea towel and leave to rise until doubled in size.

  4. Step 4:

    SHAPE Knead the tomatoes, ham and Parmesan into the dough for 1 minute. Roll to a 45cm long log. Slice into three strips lengthways but leave one end attached – from that end plait the dough strips back together, pinching the end together to stick. Lift onto a floured baking sheet.

  5. Step 5:


    Cover the dough again with a clean tea towel and leave to prove until doubled in size again. Preheat your oven to 200°C (fan 180°C, gas mark 6).

  6. Step 6:


    Lift the tray onto the middle oven shelf and bake for 25-35 minutes, until when you tap the base of the plait it sounds hollow. Cool on a wire rack.


  • For the Wholemeal Dough

    • 400g Allinson's very strong wholemeal bread flour
    • 100g Allinson's Strong White Bread Flour
    • 7g Allinson's Easy Bake Yeast Sachet
    • 1 1/2 tsp Salt
    • 50g Unsalted butter (melted)
    • 1 tbsp Billington's Unrefined Light Muscovado Sugar
    • 300ml Warm water
  • For the Filling

    • 50g Sundried tomato paste (finely chopped)
    • 50g Prosciutto (diced)
    • 25g Parmesan


  • Mixing bowl
  • Tea towel
  • Baking tray
  • Cooling rack

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