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Pizza cut into 5 slices with ingredients around and a pack of flour and yeast
25Total Time
15Prep Time
10Bake Time

Barbecued Pizza

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About the bake

Our bake on the barbeque pizza is everything you need this Summer. Serve up a perfect crispy based pizza chargrilled from the barbeque, ready to smother in your favourite toppings.

Who needs to go into the kitchen to the oven on a hot summer's evening? Stay outside with all your family and friends and make our pizza with a twist. You won't be disappointed.

If you love pizzas with a twist, try our Breakfast Pizza or Naan bread pizza.

25Total Time
15Prep Time
10Bake Time


  1. Step 1:

    Heat the barbecue until the embers are glowing, but the main heat of the barbecue has died down, as you don’t want a fierce heat.

  2. Step 2:

    Mix the yeast, flour, salt, and sugar together in a large mixing bowl. Measure 300ml hand hot water into a jug . Pour the water into the flour mixture and stir until it forms a soft dough. Turn the dough onto a work surface and knead for 10 minutes until smooth.

  3. Step 3:

    Divide the dough into 4 equal piece and roll into roughly shaped large circles, as thin as possible. Place on a greased baking tray and cover with oiled cling film. Allow to rise for about 30 minutes in a warm place until doubled in size.

  4. Step 4:

    To cook, brush the grill racks with a little oil, the place the pizza on the barbecue and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side until puffed up and lightly charred.

  5. Step 5:

    Spread the pizza with tomato pasta sauce, top with crumpled parma ham, mozzarella and sundried tomatoes cover with the bbq lid and bake for a further 3-4 minutes until the cheese has melted. Top with basil leaves.


  • For the dough

    • 7g Easy bake yeast
    • 500g Allinson's Strong white bread flour
    • 1 tsp Sea salt
    • 1 tsp Billington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
  • For the topping

    • 6 tbsp Tomato pasta sauce
    • 200g Parma ham
    • 100g Mozzarella
    • 100g Sundried tomatoes
    •  Basil leaves
    •  Olive oil (for brushing)

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