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Close up of a sticky toffee pudding with melted ice cream on top and spoonful taken out
110Total Time
30Prep Time
40Bake Time
A little effort

Traditional Sticky Toffee Pudding

5 Reviews

About the bake

As one of Britain's favourite puddings, this delicious treat will not disappoint. Soft squidgy dates and sticky toffee sauces make this a truly scrumptious dessert and is great served with a drizzle of cream or custard. Traditionally a Sticky Toffee Pudding will contain soft dates and dark sugar. We've added a toffee sauce to ours but it works equally well with custard or cream. Did you know Sticky Toffee Pudding originates from the Lake District where it was first served in the 1970s.

110Total Time
30Prep Time
40Bake Time
A little effort


  1. Step 1:

    Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan, gas mark 4). Butter the baking tin and line the base with greaseproof paper.

  2. Step 2:

    Put the dates in a bowl with the hot water and bicarbonate of soda and leave to soak.

  3. Step 3:

    In another bowl cream the butter and sugar together until pale and creamy. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each one. Add the date mixture and mix well, then fold in the flour.

  4. Step 4:

    Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 30-40 minutes or until springy to the touch and a skewer comes out clean.

  5. Step 5:

    To make the sauce use a large heavy bottomed pan, add the water and sugar and heat over a medium heat, stirring occasionally until the sugar is dissolved. Stop stirring when the sugar comes to a boil to stop it crystallising.

  6. Step 6:

    Continue to boil the sugar until it become dark brown in colour, a single wisp of smoke will appear to indicate that it is done, turn off the heat immediately and move the pan to a cooler place.

  7. Step 7:

    Carefully pour in the cream, stirring continuously, then whisk in the golden syrup.

  8. Step 8:

    Let the toffee cool for 10 minutes then gradually add the cubed butter and stir in.

  9. Step 9:

    To serve, cut the pudding into squares and pour over the toffee sauce.


  • For the sponge

    • 100g Dates (chopped)
    • 80ml Water (hot)
    • 1 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
    • 85g Butter (unsalted)
    • 140g Billington's Unrefined Dark Muscovado Sugar
    • 2 Egg(s) (free range)
    • 180g Allinson's Plain White Flour
  • For the toffee sauce

    • 50ml Water
    • 300g Billington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
    • 200ml Double cream
    • 100g Silver Spoon Golden Syrup
    • 100g Butter (unsalted) (cold, cubed)


  • Baking tin
  • Greaseproof paper
  • Bowls
  • Saucepan
  • Whisk

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