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120Total Time
50Prep Time
30Bake Time

Sweet Chilli Focaccia

1 Reviews

About the bake

Turn up the heat on your every day focaccia, with sweet chilli for an added punch. Full of flavour, and a great accompanyment to any dish, our focaccia with hints of warm chilli is best served warm.

Follow our simply steps to recreating this delicious bread in your own kitchen, we're sure you'll love how soft but crispy this twist on a classic bake is.

If you prefer less chilli and more olives, try our olive focaccia recipe.

120Total Time
50Prep Time
30Bake Time


  1. Step 1:

    In a warm bowl mix the flour, salt and sugar together and stir in the yeast.

  2. Step 2:

    Measure out 400ml of warm water and mix together with the chilli jam and oil. Then mix the wet and dry ingredients together to make a soft dough.


  3. Step 3:

    Knead for 10 minutes on a lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic.

  4. Step 4:

    Oil two 23cm/9inch cake tins. Divide the dough into two pieces and roll each one into a 23cm/9inch circle and put into the tins. Alternatively you can place on two baking trays.

  5. Step 5:

    Using your fingertips, make deep dimples all over the surface of the dough. Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes until doubled in size.

  6. Step 6:

    Preheat the oven to 230ºC (fan 210ºC, gas mark 8). Remove the cling film, drizzle each focaccia with olive oil and bake for 30 minutes until golden and cooked through. Cut into wedges and serve warm.


    • 650g Very strong white bread flour
    • 2 tsp Salt
    • 1 tsp Billington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
    • 2 tsp Easy bake yeast
    • 4 tbsp Chilli jam
    • 400ml Warm water
    • 3 tbsp Olive oil (plus extra to serve)

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