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35Total Time
20Prep Time
15Bake Time

Stilton & Parsley Scones

Quick and easy

5 Reviews

  • Egg-Free Recipes
  • Low Sugar
  • Nut Free
  • Vegetarian

About the bake

These Stilton and Parsley scones truly are delicious for a bit of added heat- add some cayenne pepper. Perfect for a picnic! Why not try making mini ones for canapés too?

How do you make scones rise and not spread?

Make sure your oven is at the right temperature (200°C, fan 180°C, gas mark 6) before you put your scones in. This is because placing dough in a cool oven that slowly heats up affects the rising agent.

Don't have too much time on your hands? Try our easy scones recipe.

35Total Time
20Prep Time
15Bake Time


  1. Step 1:

    Pre heat the oven to 200°C (fan 180°C, gas mark 6).

  2. Step 2:

    Mix together the flour, salt, pepper and mustard. Rub in the butter then stir in the Stilton and herbs.

  3. Step 3:

    Add enough milk to make a dough that is not too wet, you may not need it all. Gather together and knead lightly.

  4. Step 4:

    Place the dough on a floured board and pat out until about 3cm thick. Using a 5-6 cm round cutter, stamp out about 10-12 scones, re rolling the dough if needed.

  5. Step 5:

    Place scones on a greased and floured baking sheet, and bake in oven for 12-15 minutes until golden.


    • 225g Self raising white flour
    • 1pinch Salt
    • 1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper
    • 1/2 tsp Mustard powder
    • 50g Butter
    • 100g Stilton
    • 2 tbsp Parsley
    • 1 tbsp Chives
    • 150ml Milk

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