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30Bake Time

Pitta Breads

Quick and easy

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About our pitta bread recipe

Our pitta bread recipe is so easy, just leave the dough in the machine to prove, then roll out and bake in under 10 mins. We have used a mix of wholemeal and white flour but you can use just white or wholemeal if you prefer.

Tips for making the best pitta bread:

1. Why is my pitta bread not puffing up?

If the bread machine temperature is too low, steam won't puff the pitas. This is the same if you're making your pitta breads in the oven. As soon as they puff, they're ready. Over-baking can leave them hard and dry.

2. Can you eat pitta bread uncooked?

Pita bread can be easily eaten at room temperature, but we'd advise reheating the bread to give it a softer texture.

30Bake Time


  1. Step 1:

    Place  the flour, yeast, salt and sugar in the bread machine pan according to the manufacturers instructions. Add the oil and water and set the machine on the dough setting

  2. Step 2:

    When the dough has risen and the timer goes off, turn the dough onto a lightly oiled worktop.  Cut the dough into 9 equal pieces. Place one piece at a time on a baking tray and roll out to an oval shape about 12 cm long. Repeat with all the dough using 2-3 baking trays and spacing well apart. Leave to prove for 10 mins while preheating the oven.

  3. Step 3:

    Heat the oven to 240°C (220°C fan, gas mark 8).  When hot, bake the pittas for 6 mins. Remove from the oven, turn the pittas over and return to the oven for a further 2 mins. Remove from the oven and wrap in a clean tea towel. This will help soften the dough. When cool serve split with salad or cut into strips for dips.


    • 325g Allinson's Strong white bread flour
    • 100g Very strong wholemeal bread flour
    • 1 tsp Easy bake yeast
    • 1 tsp Salt
    • 1 tsp Billington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
    • 1 tbsp Olive oil
    • 300ml Warm water


  • Knife or dough cutter
  • Tea towel

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