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135Total Time
110Prep Time
25Bake Time
A little effort

Fish pie with leek and chorizo

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About the bake

This delicious pie recipe was kindly given to us by Dan Brettschneider and features in his 'Pie' book. The addition of chorizo marries together wonderfully with the different fish types.    

135Total Time
110Prep Time
25Bake Time
A little effort


  1. Step 1:

    Place flour, 50g of butter and salt into large mixing bowl. Using your fingers, rub the butter into the flour. Add the water and lemon juice and then form a firm dough with your hands.

  2. Step 2:

    Tip out onto a lightly floured surface and then knead for two to three minutes. Form into a ball. Cover with clingfilm and allow to rest for five to ten minutes. On a lightly floured surface, use a rolling pin to roll out the dough to 25cm square, approximately 1 cm thick.

  3. Step 3:

    Dice the remaining butter and put 50g of it over the top 2/3 of dough. Fold the bottom third up and the top third down and give it a half turn, so that the folds are now at the sides. Seal the edges by pressing with a rolling pin

  4. Step 4:

    Repeat the rolling and folding process until all the butter is used. Wrap the dough in clingfilm and chill for at least 30 minutes before using.

  5. Step 5:

    In a large saucepan, heat the oil over a medium heat, then add the
    leek and cook until softened. Add the chorizo and fry gently over
    a low heat for one to two minutes until the chorizo flavours are released into the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and use a spatula to carefully remove all the leek and chorizo filling onto a plate to cool. Set aside.

  6. Step 6:

    Using the same pan, add butter and melt over a very low heat then
    add flour. Stir to a paste with a wooden spoon. Slowly add the milk
    (a little at a time), stirring, to make a white sauce. Cook over a very
    low heat until the sauce is bubbling and free from lumps. Take the sauce off the heat and allow to cool in the pa

  7. Step 7:

    Preheat the oven to 200°C (fan 180°C, gas mark 6). Roll out the pastry lid to fit the shape of the pie dish. Put the rolled out pastry on a tray and place in the refrigerator to rest for fifteen to twenty minutes while the sauce continues to cool down. Note, you should have extra pastry left over, which can be frozen and used again.

  8. Step 8:

    Add the capers, gherkins, parsley, fish and prawns, as well as the cooled leek and chorizo mixture to the cooled sauce. Stir gently to distribute the ingredients through the sauce. Pour into the pie dish.

  9. Step 9:

    Remove the pastry lid from the refrigerator, wet the edges of the
    pie dish with water and place the pastry lid on the dish. Press down
    firmly on the pastry with your fingertips to seal and, using a sharp
    knife, trim off any excess pastry. Using the back of a fork dipped in
    flour, press down on the edges to create a crimped pattern.

  10. Step 10:

    Roll out the pastry offcuts. Cut out little fish shapes and place on
    top of the pie to decorate. Beat the egg with the water and then brush the top of the pastry with the egg wash. Using a small knife, cut two slits in the top to allow steam to escape during baking.

  11. Step 11:

    Bake in the oven for twenty to twenty five minutes or until the pastry is crisp and golden-brown in colour.


  • For the puff pastry

    • 300g Allinson's Strong white bread flour
    • 275g Butter (chilled)
    • 0pinch Salt
    • 150ml Water (ice cold)
    • 1 tsp Juice of one whole lemon
  • For the fillling

    • 1 tbsp Sunflower oil
    • 1 Leek(s) (finely chopped)
    • 75g Chorizo sausage (peeled and chopped into small cubes)
    • 20g Butter
    • 20g Allinson's Plain White Flour
    • 500ml Milk
    • 15g Capers in brine (well washed)
    • 30g Gherkins (finely chopped)
    •  Parsley (one bunch of flat-leaf, chopped.)
    • 250g Cod fillet(s) (or haddock, skinned, de-boned and cut into small pieces.)
    • 150g Prawns
  • For the glaze

    • 1 Egg(s) (free range)
    • 1 tbsp Water

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