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230Prep Time

Christmas Pudding Marshmallows

1 Reviews

  • Egg-Free Recipes
  • Dairy Free Recipes
  • Gluten Free

About the bake

An ideal mini Christmas gift, the Billington's Christmas pudding marshmallows are made with the finest ingredients, including a dash of brandy, a sprinkling of cinnamon and nutmeg and Billington's unrefined golden caster sugar. The result is a moreish marshmallow that not only tastes of Christmas but has the wonderful aroma of it too.

230Prep Time


  1. Step 1:

    Steep all the spices together in hot water for 20 minutes, then strain. Place the gelatine and strained liquid spice mix in a large mixing bowl and stir. Leave to sit until the gelatine swells.

  2. Step 2:

    Put the sugar, golden syrup and water in a large saucepan and stir to combine.  Bring to a boil, add a sugar thermometer and keep cooking to a firm ball stage, 120°C/ 248°F.

  3. Step 3:

    Whisking furiously with an electric whisk (or in an electric mixer), slowly add the sugar syrup to the gelatine mixture. Whisk thoroughly until thick and bubble-gum-like strands form. Stir in the brandy.

  4. Step 4:

    Spray everything with a cooking spray - including spatulas, brownie pan, spoons, hands etc. to avoid sticking. Spoon the mixture into the prepared brownie pan and spread evenly. Sift some cornflour over the top and let rest for 2 hours.

  5. Step 5:

    Using a greased knife, cut the marshmallows into cubes. Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.


    • 240ml Water (hot)
    • 1 tsp Cinnamon
    • 1 tsp Nutmeg
    • Pinch Ground cloves
    • 1 tsp Ground cardamom
    • 1in Fresh ginger
    • 1 tsp Star anise (ground)
    • 20g Powdered gelatine
    • 440g Billington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
    • 160g Silver Spoon Golden Syrup
    • 200ml Water (cold)
    • 1 tbsp Brandy
    • 1 tbsp Cornflour


  • Glass bowl
  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk
  • Sugar thermometer
  • Brownie pan
  • Knife
  • Airtight container

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